Published inBetter ProgrammingReplicating the Dynamic Island Animation in SwiftUIHere’s a cool demo for fun!Sep 11, 20223Sep 11, 20223
Published inTrendyol TechMake UI Testing possible with TYGeneratorUI testing has become an important part of our testing phase. It gives great advantages in terms of both automation and speed. However, to…Nov 9, 2021Nov 9, 2021
Published inKodluyoruzSwift Unit Test AutomationLet’s say you have multiple packages with unit tests. We don’t like to test these packages one by one. So how can we test it collectively…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
Swift Generic TypesSelamlar, Kodluyoruz & Trendyol iOS Bootcamp eğitimim devam ederken daha önceden bilsek bile gerçek hayatta hiç uygulamadığım bir kavramdan…May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
Swift’de Hashable ve EquatableSelamlar, bu yazımda sizlerle Swift dilinde Hashable ve Equatable protokollerine ne zaman ihtiyaç duyabileceğimizi, nasıl kodumuza…Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
Flutter Web ve Azure DeploymentAh flutter, benim üzümlü kekim. Her şey Bulut Bilişim dersimizin final projesi ile başladı. “Online Examination System” konulu web sitesi…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021